915-256-8415 [email protected]
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The 15:11 Project was started with this very simple belief at heart, every child deserves to open a gift on Christmas morning.

In 2010 our family was made aware of the fact that there are hundreds of children in our community between the ages of 1 and 18 that go without a gift on Christmas morning. Even more staggering of a reality is that many of these children go without a jacket and or their homes have no heaters all throughout the winter. We decided that we simply could not allow for that to continue to be their reality. Over the years what we started as a family project to serve 5 children with a gift has grown into dozens of volunteers donating their time, resources and money to impact over 200 students and adults with toys, food, clothing, heaters and jackets for the holidays.

As our awareness to the need has grown, so has our response, this is where you come in, with your help, dozens of families and literally hundreds of individuals can be directly impacted. Basic necessities such as food, drinking water, jackets, blankets, and simple joys like having a gift waiting with your name on it are the kind of things that we take for granted year in and year out but hundreds around us don’t have.

Please take some time to think about whether or not you can help us out, whether it be through a monetary gift or a direct sponsorship of a child or parent. Details about how to directly sponsor an individual can be found under the get involved tab. Or you can make a donation via PayPal or the cash app on your smartphone.